Legitimizing Your Brand

If you are struggling to level up, building legitimacy with your brand might help.
The first step to building legitimacy is understanding what it means. At its core, the concept of legitimacy is about inspiring trust and confidence in your brand. It's more than just a fancy term for "legit," but rather an entire philosophy that can help you build a lasting relationship with your customers.
If you're struggling to level up and are looking to take your brand to new heights, building legitimacy might be just what you need. Let's take a look at how it works:
- Why is it important to build legitimacy?
- How does it help your brand?
To answer these questions, let’s start by examining why this concept exists in the first place. A lack of trust can result from many different factors—perhaps one too many negative experiences with a company or service—but if this happens consistently enough over time, people will start avoiding buying from certain brands or businesses altogether because they simply don’t believe their promises anymore (eek!). Without trust from consumers who buy products regularly from these companies—whether those products are groceries at Target or diapers via Amazon Prime—there won't be any profit coming back into those companies' coffers later down the line!
The goal is to make sure that your business looks trustworthy and reliable.
This is the ultimate purpose of branding, but it's also the main reason why brands exist in the first place: to make sure that your business looks trustworthy and reliable.
If you want to be successful, you need to build a strong brand that can help attract new customers, improve your bottom line, get new employees on board and even get investors interested in what you're doing.
These are all great reasons why it's so important for businesses (and individuals) to take their branding decisions seriously—because when done right, they can bring about real results!
There are a few things you can do to help legitimize your brand.
There are a few things you can do to help legitimize your brand.
- Get a professional website set up. This should be the first thing on your list because it’s what people will see before they get in contact with you, and it sets the tone for everything else that follows. Make sure it’s easy to navigate through, showcase your best work and make sure that there are no spelling or grammatical errors!
- Create a high quality logo suite: The next step is creating a logo suite (or multiple logos), which includes an icon, favicon, social media profile pictures and email signatures. If possible, try not to go overboard with too many variations — two or three should be enough!
- Get the brand assets to match: After creating these pieces of collateral for yourself, make sure all of the other touchpoints reflect those same qualities in their own way; whether that means using similar colors or fonts across different channels like social media accounts or branded merchandise like t-shirts/pens etc., it’s important that everything looks like an extension of one another so nothing feels out of place when someone sees them together at once."
Start setting up social media presence.
One of the best ways to get people to know, like and trust your brand is to start building a social media presence. Social media is an important part of any business today because it gives you the opportunity to build relationships with customers and promote your products. You can also use it to get new customers by using ads, or research what kinds of things are popular in your target audience, which will help you come up with better marketing strategies for reaching them.
Get a professional website set up.
A professional website is the first impression you make on potential customers. It should be easy to navigate, easy to find, and easy to read (for both mobile and desktop users). Make sure your content is clear, simple and easy to understand; use short sentences or bullet points if necessary.
Finally, make sure your site has a contact form and any pertinent contact details so that customers can get in touch with you easily!
If you need support, we offer both website design and web development services.
Create a high quality logo suite.
Your logo is the cornerstone of your brand, so it's important to get this right. A great logo should be simple and easy to read, memorable, versatile, timeless and most importantly—high quality!
To create a high quality logo suite:
- Choose a font that is clean and easy on the eyes—avoid fonts with too many embellishments or extraneous shapes.
- Use capital letters for your business name, but not for other text in the logo suite (except for maybe an address).
- Use complementary colours like black & white or blue & green that look good together without being too bright or overpowering each other visually
Get the brand assets to match.
You’re building a brand, but do your assets match?
- A powerful brand is more than just a logo and some text on your website; it also includes the colors and images you use, the fonts you choose for your copy, and even how you arrange those words and visuals on social media profiles. These elements all come together to create an image in people’s minds of what your business is about—so make sure they work together to support that idea!
- Make sure they’re consistent across platforms too: If someone sees one version of your logo in one place, don't send them another when they go somewhere else online (unless it's intentional). It might seem obvious but this really happens all too often--and it makes customers feel like there's no clear voice behind their experience with a company or product.
Be consistent on all platforms and communication avenues.
When you're starting out, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement of your new venture and try new things. But one thing you can't forget to do is keep your brand consistent across all platforms and communication avenues. If you want your business to be taken seriously, then it's important that the message stay consistent whether it's on social media or in person.
The first step in building a strong brand is having a clear mission statement that concisely defines what makes your company unique. From there, make sure all aspects of your marketing efforts reflect this mission statement so consumers know what they're getting every time they come into contact with any part of your business—whether through social media posts or word-of-mouth recommendations.
Invest in branded apparel for yourself and employees.
When you first started your business, the last thing on your mind was branding. You were too busy trying to figure out how to get customers and stay in business. But as time goes on, it's important to consider how brand recognition can help you attract new customers and build trust with existing ones.
Branding helps you get more sales because when people see your logo or recognize your company name they know who they're dealing with; they feel like they can trust what you're selling and therefore are more likely to buy from you than another company that doesn't have such a recognizable identity.
Branding also helps build relationships with current customers. People appreciate being recognized for their loyalty (or otherwise), which encourages them to continue spending money with the business that does so much for them—and this translates into increased sales opportunities over time!
A legitimate brand will be more likely to get new customers and improve their bottom line.
You may have heard that a legitimate brand is more likely to get new customers, but you may not know how exactly this works. The reason why a legit brand will help your bottom line is because they are more likely to get new customers and improve their bottom line.
Legitimizing your brand is important if you want to make sure that people trust your business and know it’s trustworthy. Legitimacy helps with brand awareness, trustworthiness, loyalty, and conversion.
If you are struggling to level up, building legitimacy with your brand might help. The goal is to make sure that your business looks trustworthy and reliable. There are a few things you can do to help legitimize your brand. Start setting up social media presence. Get a professional website set up. Create a high quality logo suite. Get the brand assets to match. Be consistent on all platforms and communication avenues. Invest in branded apparel for yourself and employees
Need help with getting started on revitalizing your brand, or creating a new one? We offer branding services, and you can reach out to us at hello@papercrane.ca for advice.