Trip Ninja

Developed a high-performance, SEO-optimized Webflow site and a custom JavaScript calculator for Trip Ninja, enhancing their API's marketability and online presence.

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With Webflow's demand rising at the time, Trip Ninja tasked us to build out a new site with one key goal - turning backend software offerings into a marketable resource, while reducing ongoing overhead for their site and simplifying the content management process. Their team provided us a set of incredible designs for our development team to turn into a website, and the rest is history. Since that time, we've worked with Trip Ninja as they've gone through a successful acquisition, and continue to help their team with online work when the need arises!


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From The Top

  • Delivered a Webflow site with superior SEO and fast load times.
  • Integrated features like a case-study catalog, blog, and HubSpot.
  • Maintained zero outages since launch.
  • Offered cost-effective, flexible updates on a cost-effective budget.

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  • Technical Development on Webflow: Focused on building a robust, SEO-optimized site that aligned with the client-provided design and content.
  • JavaScript Calculator Implementation: Developed to demonstrate the value of Trip Ninja’s flight sales API.
  • Enhancing User Experience: Worked within the client's design to implement subtle animations and transitions.
  • Resource Integration: Added a case-study catalog and blog, targeting Online Travel Agencies (OTAs).
  • HubSpot Integration: Seamlessly linked the site to business development processes.
  • Adaptive Platform: Enabled ongoing, budget-friendly updates and modifications to support Trip Ninja’s growth.
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The collaboration resulted in a highly stable Webflow site for Trip Ninja, boasting zero outages since its launch. The site's flexibility allowed for continuous adaptation at a fraction of the cost of custom-built platforms. The JavaScript calculator became a key feature, effectively showcasing the API's benefits. Coupled with powerful SEO and a tailored UX design from the client, the website significantly elevated Trip Ninja's online visibility and market position, solidifying their offerings in the competitive OTA landscape.